Monday, November 20, 2017

Meanwhile in (fG)Britain,

Maggie Oliver said her professional life was made “torture” after she told senior officers that police were not doing enough to protect girls from a predominantly Asian paedophile ring

The former detective constable resigned from Greater Manchester Police in late 2012 over failures that allowed the Rochdale perpetrators to escape justice for many years. 

However before she quit she alleges she was bullied for a year and a half while working on Operation Span, the investigation into Rochdale.
Why would they do that?  Oh, right, that's why.
She said: “I’ve never spoken publicly about my personal treatment because I never wanted to deflect from the fact the police had failed the child victims of Rochdale. But in trying to expose criminal neglect by senior officers that for me was on a par with Hillsborough, I was threatened and bullied.”

Ms Oliver, was tasked with gaining the trust of vulnerable but hostile victims. However, when they began to identify Asian grooming gangs, she said the police cooled their interest in the investigation.

Among other people, John Peel is rolling in his grave.


  1. It's Robert Peel, not John. That's why they're called "bobbies."

  2. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Asian seems to be a new euphemism for Islamic. One mustn't offend the Muslims it might hurt their feelings and teach others the truth of a truly vile religion.
