Monday, November 20, 2017

"Look, all we need is one more law for the cops to ignore,

and it'll all be good!"
Police on Wednesday called the deadly shooting rampage in California a clear case of "a madman on the loose" while defending their decision not to arrest the man for previously violating a court order prohibiting him from having guns.

At a tense news conference, police conceded that neighbors had repeatedly complained about Kevin Neal firing hundreds of rounds from his house among other erratic and violent behavior.

Tehama County Assistant Sheriff Phil Johnston said authorities responded to neighbors' calls several times, but the 44-year-old Neal wouldn't open the door, so they left.
... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?  The SWAT teams get used for crap they've got no business being near, AND YOU LEFT BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T OPEN THE DOOR?

'Tense news conference', ya think maybe?  "Yes, we knew he was in violation of serious laws, but don't blame us for not arresting him, he wouldn't open the door!"...
Fucking miserable excuses for lawmen.  And they probably will pay no price for this other than "You were a bad cop, don't do that again."


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Their punishment will be worse that you realize. They're on donut suspension for a month!

  2. Hey, the cops all made it home at the end of shift. That is the important thing. Besides what is the point of a bloated paycheck, platinum benefits and a sweet, sweet pension after 20 years if you have to deal with dangerous criminals. Much safer to write traffic citations, shoot dogs, and do 3 am raids on people selling pot.

  3. Just another police force practicing Benghazi style police work.
