Tuesday, August 15, 2017

You wonder why there's less respect for cops?

Because we now hear about garbage like this, and the cops get away with it.

The Harris County District Attorney's office did not return calls from Reason, but county prosecutor Natasha Sinclair told the Houston TV station KRIV that "no one in this office stands by the search the way it happened," but she also said the officers' "bad judgement" might not rise to the level of criminal offense.
BAD JUDGEMENT?   That's how you 'excuse' this shit?

Every good cop on that force is going to catch shit for this, and a helluva lot of people are going to say "You want our support?  Clean your damned house, and then maybe."

Added: part of the response letter from Harris County:

So they BADLY violated policy(ignore the law for the moment), and are causing your agency a freakin' huge amount of trouble- and will probably cost the taxpayers a fortune unless some judge says "No qualified immunity for you"- and they still have jobs.  Great.

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