Tuesday, August 15, 2017

So, two groups of socialists are beating on each other

and I'm supposed to think one is better than the other?  Nope.
Sick to bloody death of both of them.  One's either wearing hoods or carrying swastikas, the other's wearing masks and carrying Soviet flags.  Screw 'em both.

And damn most of our media as well.
...Seattle police said in a statement that three men were arrested on suspicion of obstruction and assault. Confiscated weapons included ax handles, 2-by-4s and balloons containing an “unknown liquid substance,” the statement said.
NBC doesn’t tell us who, exactly, got arrested and carried ax handles, 2-by-4s and an “unknown liquid substance,” but it was the “antifa” fascists.
Counter-protesters — including antifa, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Veterans for Peace, Indivisible Seattle, Black Lives Matter, and the Freedom Socialist Party — marched “in solidarity against hate,” specifically against what they called “the bigotry, racism and violence” of the “far-right” organizers. Solidarity Against Hate counter-protesters waved communist flags, yelled “f*ck America,” squirted police with silly-string, and burned the American flag.
Most of the talking heads on TV and print aren't reporters, they're political operatives with bylines, and not to be trusted.  At all.

Also: politicians.  That slimy bastard McAuliffe, Governor of VA, blamed the ACLU for the crap in Charlottesville.  Because "I didn't want to allow THOSE people to speak, but they made me."  Which tells you exactly what he defines as 'free speech': "MY thugs get to speak, but not THEIRS."  I have my problems with the ACLU, but here they're right: those people had a right to gather, like them(or what they had to say) or not.  That bastard also had plenty of time for the cops and NG to prepare in case of trouble, but apparently had them stand back and let things blow up instead.  Wonderful guy, isn't he?

By the way: yes, the Nazis were/are socialists.  Deal with it, lefties.


  1. I don't disagree with you, but most of the alt-right people are not Nazis, KKK or white supremacists. Of course the Unite the Right movement is going to attract those kind, but they are the vocal minority.

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    They're the ones I'm talking about. That's the problem with this crap and our current media: if they can find one clown with a National Socialist flag to take a picture of it's "The Nazis are this movement!"

    Whereas half the crowd of leftists can be carrying Soviet flags, and they either won't show it or will downplay it for all they're worth. Which probably pleases the non-commie leftists, since they don't get tarred with that brush.

  3. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I've read comments/articles/blog posts over the years that scare the crap out of me if true.

    The late Mike Vanderbough (I'm sure I've misspelled his name) and other stated that, in general only 1/3 of the American Colonists were loyalists, 1/3 were generally for separation, and about 1/3 didn't care one one way or another. Only about 3% overall were hard-core separatists. 3% forced the issue and we had us a revolution.

    Similarly I've read that only about 7% of the German population pre-WWII were Nazis. Guess what happened?

    Sooner or later some small, critical mass will form and really force things. At that point the middle disappears, and a "for us or agin' us" mentality kicks in. When (not if) that happens, social disintegration will be inevitable, and a new civil war will be upon us.


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