Wednesday, August 16, 2017

'Internet of Things'; not in my house

Hundreds of Internet-connected locks became inoperable last week after a faulty software update caused them to experience a fatal system error, manufacturer LockState said.
That's a problem.  A BIG problem.  And that was just a botched update, not intentional action.

I do NOT want my heating/cooling/locks/lights/refrigerator capable of being controlled by anyone who can sneak or hack into the system.  No, thank you.

I'm seeing a lot of crap on social media along the lines of "If you say 'Antifa and the National Socialists are both idiots', that makes you a Nazi sympathizer!"

Maybe in your idiot world, but not in mine, dumbass.  We need a meme saying "If you think yelling at both sides means you support one of them, you're a fucking idiot."

1 comment:

  1. As you wish...


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