Monday, June 24, 2013

Short test report on the plated .30-cal bullets:

They work.
Slightly longer: I seem to have screwed up my right hand somehow during the concrete work.  Add that to trying out a brass catcher I'd cobbled together for the Carbine and a so-so rest, I'll leave it at 'no function problems and standard accuracy' for now.  More details later.


  1. You had that hand looked at yet?

  2. No.

    Yes, I know. Giving it a day or so more, and if not much improved I'll be doing that.

    Hmmm. The wv is 'all orkdica'; when did they start picking words from fantasy porn?

  3. Pardon me while I summon 'the mom look'

  4. But I don't WANNA go to the doctor!
