Monday, June 24, 2013

Well, I'm probably on a list somewhere already, so

here's some lawyerly advice on protecting yourself from the EffingBI.  Which brings a whole new light onto that 'lying to a federal agent' crap:

And, if you've never seen it, a lawyer saying "NEVER talk to the police without a lawyer" and why
If you watch it all the way through, the second speaker is a police officer.  Who agrees.


  1. Of course you're on, not just a List, but several Lists.

    You are at least, based on your presence on lesser lists, either on the List of Obama supporters (which likely means Organizing for America, too); or the List of Filthy Racist Traitors (which includes registered Republicans and tea partiers audited by the IRS); or the List of people who don't love Obama enough (those not on any other lists).

  2. "the List of people who don't love Obama enough (those not on any other lists)."
    Now, why does this remind me of people in Stalinist USSR who went off to the Gulags for stopping applauding too soon (45 minutes is long enough if you're a counterrevolutionary) after party speeches?
