Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Because laws and ethics only apply to His Majesty Bloomberg

when he wants them to.
In Nevada, Bloomberg set to influence a background check bill by registering and paying 13 lobbyists. As you can see here, they were lobbying on behalf of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund. This is the 501(c)(4) entity, not the 501(c)(3) one according to Press Secretary La Vorgna. 

One of the paid lobbyists registered in Nevada was Christopher Kocher, who is (according to his LinkedIn profile), Director of Outreach and Special Counsel at Office of the Mayor of New York City. 

It appears as if Bloomberg is paying an employee of the city (Special Counsel, no less) to lobby on behalf of his 501(c)(4) from that action fund, which last week was claimed to be entirely separate from the 501(c)(3) which was using the city's servers.

More here.

Gee, I wonder how much they'd be paying in bonuses(they're not supposed to be paying) if not for that evil sequester?

"Hey, the IRS went after lefty groups too!"  Except they didn't.

I shall now see if pushing a mower annoys my hand; Jennifer will have to put that look away for now.

1 comment:

  1. I struggle with the question of what the proper term for the media is in this age of leftism. Tame media does't cover it; perhaps, "Suborned?" "Stoolie media?"
    This media would get wrong the difference between flagged and prosecuted, so "Fifth Column?"

    And yes, going through the 501(c)(3)'s and making a list is different from going through the 501(c)(4)'s and questioning donors and asking for documents considered influential.

    501(c)(4)'s are political speech, supposedly the highest and most protected by the First Amendment, although once McCain-Feingold passed, the First Amendment died a little bit.
