Thursday, November 22, 2007

First off, Happy Thanksgiving

to all who read my little yelling on this soapbox.

Second, I want to take note of some things. Have to do it now, because I'm about to go visit family and stuff myself, the parents have been cookingspend a day or so relaxing. And I'm liable to forget where some of this was.

First off, the lies, damn lies and statistics are picking up since SCOTUS decided to decide. Nobody is surprised.

Second, as a lot of us have thought for some time, an awful lot of these 'fearless attackers of fascism'(i.e., churches, western governments, etc.) are a bunch of friggin' cowards:
“I’ve censored myself,” Perry said at a discussion on art and politics organised by the Art Fund. “The reason I haven’t gone all out attacking Islamism in my art is because I feel real fear that someone will slit my throat.”
Uh huh. As someone said, "If you really believed Bush, or the Brit government, was kidnapping anyone who criticized them, and you were actually in fear for your life, you wouldn't be on the street calling them names. You'd be like the protesters in Soviet Russia, fearing any knock in the night or stranger on the street." But where these 'fearless artists' actually DO see a threat, they roll over and offer their belly. "Nice dhimmi, keep behaving and you get to live."

And last, I hadn't heard this about our attorney general:
Carpenter started the TABOR petition drive in 2005, assisted by Jacob and Johnson in an effort that ultimately produced more than 300,000 signatures, nearly a third more than was required to put the issue before voters. But even in a deeply red state like Oklahoma, Big Government has backers — mainly teachers and labor unions — and they persuaded a state court to throw the petition out because nonresidents allegedly helped solicit signatures. The trio now faces up to 10 years in prison if they are convicted on Edmondson’s charges. All three pleaded not guilty and claim they were advised by state officials on how to comply with the law in all respects during the petition drive.

What makes this even more disgusting is this:
State Rep. Mike Reynolds said today that Attorney General Drew Edmondson, who recently admitted receiving illegal campaign contributions, has yet to correct all the “mistakes” his campaign finance reports show.

“Several months ago I questioned whether Attorney General Edmondson truly cared about Ethics laws in Oklahoma. I don’t know if he asked the State Auditor to help him clean up his errors, but it appears that he has many additional mistakes that have not been corrected,” said Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City.

Just friggin' wonderful.

And with that, I'm gone. I'd suggest you follow my lead. And stop eating short of the point at which you'd need a dolly and assistant to move.

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