Saturday, November 24, 2007

The aftermath

includes feeling stuffed, tired and entirely unwilling to consider that I have to go back to work in a day.

I spent Thanksgiving at my parents', and my daughter came along. It was nice. And as a good ending, shortly before I had to leave my son called from Iraq. Summarized,
It's cold now. 'Cold' being defined as lows in the 40's. Compared to what they were a month ago...
Lots of turkey & other proper edibles for Thanksgiving.
New vehicles, MRAPs(various links here), coming in.
They've got some really neat equipment on the vehicles for A: indicating direction of incoming small arms fire and B: preventing remotely-triggered IEDs from detonating.
And so far, the only thing he's had to fire at anyone is a paintball gun. Apparently, when delinquent types throw rocks or vehicles won't move out of the way, that's what they use to adjust attitudes. Or get their attention. Or whatever.
Overall, so far he reminds me of something David Drake wrote about his time in Vietnam: so far as he knew he didn't kill anybody, nobody shot at him and he wasn't seriously injured. I certainly hope it continues so.

Times like this, I realize how lucky I am in some things. Both parents are still kicking(read some of Og's posts about missing his father, it'll make you appreciate yours), kids are ok, I know one is and so far as I know the other ex is getting along, and none of my body parts have either refused to function or fallen off.

Son greatly appreciates the good thoughts so many of you have given. He's planning on sending some pictures back soon, I'll post some when they arrive.

It was a good Thanksgiving.

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