Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Saudis are not only not our friends,

their government is a running sore on the ass of mankind.

This headline brought to you thanks to Keith. I'd heard something about this yesterday, and in a comment he provided the link.
An unnamed Saudi 19-year old woman -- let us call her Fatima -- has been sentenced to 200 lashes, after being gang-raped 14 times by a group of seven Sunni men in the town of Qatif. Not merely did they repeatedly rape her, but they also raped the male friend they found her with.

Her attackers received sentences of between 10 months and five years. The man she was found with in the car -- we'll call him Abdul-- was sentenced to 90 lashes.

Why were Abdul and Fatima, both of them rape victims, sentenced to anything? Because they were alone in a car, and it is a criminal offence in Saudi Arabia for unrelated men and women to be in one another's company.

So criminal, indeed, that even after being repeatedly raped, the two offenders were considered worthy of further punishment: 90 lashes each, which was increased to 200 lashes for Fatima after she had the temerity to appeal and to speak to the Saudi press about the horror which had befallen her.

There are simply no words to describe the foulness of a government- and people- who consider such a thing to be 'proper'.

Crap like this is one more reason I hope fervently that various energy alternatives advance/are discovered in the near future. Despite a couple of comments in the past, I'm all for such. Nuclear to generate electricity, for instance. At the least, drill in our own territory for all the oil we have available and build/expand refineries to take care of it. Unpleasant fact is we NEED oil for some time to come, and the less of it we need from other places the better off we are. But when the advances come, it will give me a great deal of satisfaction to see the oil ticks once again become the lords of the world's biggest litterbox.

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