Sunday, July 17, 2005

It seems Anarchangel done ticked somebody off

He's been contacted by the FBI about a fatwa issued against him. Please note: "There is concern that staff at my former employers has fed them my personal and private information as well."; a previous post about his firing will tell you why.

It seems this all started with 'Team Infidel', his response to the whining and moaning about the alleged abuse of the Koran. And now? Think about this: a bunch of true believers have shown they are willing to/will kill people for ALLEGED disrespect of their holy book. Yeah, some Christians would threaten you over abusing a Bible; big deal, they'd be told to shut up and behave themselves by everyone else. And has anyone every heard of a Jew threatening to kill someone over damaging a Torah? Again, if someone did the rest of their community would tell them to behave themselves and stop acting like an uncivilized jerk. But we're supposed to be agonized that we might somehow offend someone who kills girls for going to school? Who wants our entire civilization destroyed and us all either converted, dhimmi or slaves? Oh, please.

It boils down to a bunch of people who are so enraged that they don't rule the world, that everyone doesn't bow down to their beliefs, that they want to kill every one else. And for that matter any of their own they don't believe sufficiently 'devout'. Now they're threatening bloggers, basically because "You don't respect us!" Gullyborg has this to say:
"I'm a little worried for Chris, but not overly so. Chris is a veteran and a security specialist. He knows his stuff. He can, and will, take care of himself. I'm more worried about his friends and family. He may be a 300 pound gorilla martial-arts expert with a huge personal arsenal -- but he can't be around everyone he knows all the time to protect them. The cravenly coward terrorists who issued this fatwah have no qualms about killing the innocent."
Full post here.

Well, this is the kind of thinking we're up against. It has been for a bunch of years, it's just more out in the open now. Or maybe more 'in your face'. Either way, it points out that ANYONE who has EVER said something that MIGHT offend one of the Islamist fascists could be threatened.

But then, we're all already all under threat from them. This would just make it a more specific threat.

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