Saturday, July 16, 2005

More words from Mr. Fraser

I mentioned before George MacDonald Fraser, author of Flashman, Quartered Safe Out Here, The General Danced at Dawn and many others.

The Flashman books are fiction; an English officer reliving his participation in various events of the past, where his cowardice(among other things) affected the outcome of history. Funny as hell, and lots of good information; he researched the events thoroughly. Others, like Quartered, are about Fraser's service in the British army. I love his way with words, for instance:

"So we worked away, myself the brutal soldier humming and coo-cooing, and the gentle mother opposite rebuking her daughter in terms that would have made a Marine corporal join the Free Kirk."
"Over yonder, now, trying to hide at the far end of the corridor, that's McAuslan, the dirtiest soldier in the world. In your platoon, by the way. Don't kno what to do with McAuslan. Cremation's probably the answer. Nothing else seems to work."

Oh hell, find one of his books- any of them that I've seen- and give them a read, I think you'll like it.

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