Sunday, July 17, 2005

Think about the attitude behind this

Was checking out the Weekly Bias at Alphecca and read this:
"We at Amnesty International are not going to condone the escalation of the flow of arms to the region," said Trish Katyoka, director of Africa Advocacy. "You are empowering (the victims) to create an element of retaliation.
"Whenever you create a sword-fight by letting the poor people fight back and give them the arms, it creates an added element of complexity. You do not know what the results could be."

Think about that. You can't 'condone' giving people being tortured and raped and murdered a way to fight back because it 'creates and added element of complexity'. You don't 'know what the results could be'. God, we can't have that! MUCH better to have the victims keep suffering rather than give them a way to protect themselves and not know what the results might be! I mean, really, they might decide they don't have to wait for the U.N. and such to get around to giving enough of a rat's ass to do something, and THEN where would we be?!?

This is a wonderful example of the mindset of the left wing nowadays: better people die than people give them the tools to do something themselves. Action can only be properly taken by some international agency(U.N.), after proper review and after they decide what they might need to do when all the proper factors have been considered... and so on until they're all dead or enslaved and there's no more problem to actually make a decision about. Just absolutely wonderful.

Remember Rwanda? Remember the U.N.(Kofi,anyone?) ordering out almost all the troops and forbidding the commander on the scene to do anything? Remember all the other places and all the other damn near countless dead? All because you can only have legitimate action when the U.N. approves it and controls it. And the U.N. absolutely HATES the idea of peasants with arms able to act for themselves. Or do anything else without U.N. approval, which won't come unless it somehow increases U.N. control over the lives of those involved. Hell, look at malaria; the politically correct won't allow even the idea of DDT even though it is harmless to people and wildlife as properly used and cheap and effective. Instead, you've got to have bed nets that don't do anything when you're not in bed and expensive programs and guess who has control of them?

What goes on in the minds of people who'd rather see mass murder and slavery go on rather than see people able to fight back because fighting back would increase 'complexity'?

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