Sunday, March 27, 2005

How NOT to rob a store

Found this over at Random Nuclear Strikes, a very good listing of what has to be one of the most truly stupid people to ever draw breath. Short version: deciding to rob a gun shop, with a police car out front and the officer inside = dead idiot.

A friend down in Texas told me about a case he knew of a few years ago. A lady who worked at a sporting goods store was going through a very messy divorce from an abusive husband. Said jackass one day walked into the store, walked up to her at the counter, pulled a large knife and told her what he was going to do to her. He was interrupted by several metallic clicks, and looked around to see the owner, the manager, and basically every employee in the store aiming at him. Being restrained sorts they did not deliver multiple perforations to his anatomy, but they still had to mop up a bit; urine on the floor does not smell of violets and roses.

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