Sunday, March 27, 2005

It's about damn time

Wizbang links to an article on how Kofi Annan is depressed and thinking of resigning. As I said above, it's about damn time.

Even discounting the evidence of corruption, he's failed repeatedly in the job. There are 'peacekeepers' raping children and running prostitution rings, he- and the U.N. bureaucracy- have done everything they can to ignore Darfur, they've basically contributed to famines and mass murder in multiple places. And the whole time, they bitch at the U.S. that everything is basically OUR fault, if we'd just sign everything over to them, why, everything would be just WONDERFUL, don't you know?

I still think that any politician who advocates turning control of this country over to the U.N. has violated their oath of office and should be thrown out.
That any of them can look at what the U.N. has done(Cuba and Libya running the Human Rights Council?) and still bow down to worship at the U.N. altar baffles me.

Kofi has caused, and aided and abetted in, so much damage and harm, the only real problem is that he can't be actually prosecuted and jailed. Instead of 'resigning his position'.

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