Saturday, March 26, 2005

The only thing I'll post about Terri Schiavo

What's the longest you've ever gone without food?

About 15 years ago I caught a stomach virus. The effect of this one on me was simple: I couldn't eat. Rather, I could eat, but 45 minutes later(damn near by the clock) it would come back up, rather violently. Soup, bread, crackers, whatever, a couple of attempts the first day showed me not to try again. I could drink water, as long as it was in small sips, but no food. For three days.

Let's just say that it was very unpleasant. No fever, no aches, I just couldn't eat. By the third day my breath smelled like acetone as my system started to consume itself for nutrition. The fourth day I found I could nibble a bit and keep it down, and after that recovery was rampant.

About five years or so before that, I found myself one day with some friends in a rocky section of the boonies with no water. In August, in Oklahoma. It was about half a day before we could get back to where there was anything to drink, and it convinced me I never, ever wanted to be that thirsty again. It wasn't just feeling thirsty, your body was telling you in very strong terms that you'd better find water or else.

Being without water for half of a hot day was fairly nasty. Not being able to eat for three days was bleepin' miserable. I can't imagine what no food and no water for days would be like.

I sincerely hope that this woman can't feel anything, because if she can, she's been condemned to an absolutely miserable death.

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