Saturday, July 27, 2024

Another civil rights victory, another slap

on bureaucrats who want to make law.
On Thursday, a federal judge in Texas overturned the administration’s ban on forced reset triggers, which automatically return to their starting position after being pulled.

District Judge Reed O’Connor, who has been front and center in recent decisions to rein in the rogue agency, ruled in the case National Association for Gun Rights v. Garland that ATF overstepped their bounds in classifying guns using forced reseat triggers as “machine guns” under the Gun Control Act of 1968.

“Having considered the above-referenced filings and applicable law, the Court concludes that Defendants engaged in unlawful agency action taken in excess of their authority,” Judge O’Connor wrote in the decision.

Y'know, I started this place with the idea

of writing about blacksmithing, guns, tools, and some general stuff about other matters.

Over time, especially as it became a no-go to do any smithing, that changed: I'd pretty much passed along most, if not all, of what I could about that subject, so that started dropping off.  Guns and tools, you can always find something new(to me at least) to talk about, something new to learn of, so more of those.  But the general stuff... now, that can be almost a bottomless well.

I started writing more about politics because, well, it's important.  Once told someone who asked why I was talking so much about it, "Because I'd rather ignore it, but if I do I won't find out what the bastards are trying to do to us."  'Bastards' including politicians, activists who see controlling us as the way to go, and bureaucrats who want more power.  I'd still rather ignore the bastards.

Then came my 'Screwed by Government' and 'Screwed by Congress' categories, and bad law enforcement categories; those, unfortunately, seem damn near bottomless by themselves.  They also discourage, because sometimes it seems like NOTHING can be done about them.

The 'The Experiment' posts started because I just wanted to see if posting some loveliness would spike the hits on the meter.  They did, but were fun enough I just kept doing them, even when the meter disappeared one day(I never bothered trying to put it back in, so I have no idea what the numbers are anymore).

Now all of it's a habit, and it can eat time.  I really need to stop posting so much(insert "I CAN QUIT ANYTIME I WANT TO!!" here), but the habit is hard to break.

In the category of "Should be flogged before hanging" we have two entries

The first is 
Disturbing allegations are detailed in a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) against a large Texas-based nonprofit organization tasked and funded by the federal government for years with housing unaccompanied minor children (UMC) who are not legally present in the country.
ORR then uses grant funding, usually by hiring nonprofit housing organizations, to provide shelter care for the UMCs in the “least restrictive setting possible” and that “will be in the best interest of the child.”

In this case, one of those nonprofits is Austin-based Southwest Key, which from 2015 to 2023 received $3 billion in federal grant funding and operates 29 facilities in Texas, Arizona, and California, housing 6,350 children.

The DOJ said during this timeline, multiple Southwest Key employees subjected children as young as 5 years of age to “repeated and unwelcome sexual abuse, harassment, misconduct, and hostile housing environments.”

The suit further details allegations that the children were victims of sexual abuse, rape, and inappropriate touching. The perpetrators employed by Southwest Key took advantage of the multiple vulnerabilities to carry out their crimes, such as language barriers.

The DOJ also said that despite Southwest Key knowing their employees were harming the children in their care, they did nothing, violating the federal Fair Housing Act.

If half of this is correct, we have the need for floggings and a gallows.

The second:
Health and Human Services whistleblower Tara Rodas says she faced retaliation from the department after she reported concerns that unaccompanied immigrant children were being placed in the hands of sponsors who were affiliated with the notorious Salvadorian MS-13 gang.

“Interestingly, when I discovered that there was MS-13 actually sponsoring the children…. this began when a DHS whistleblower came forward and then alerted us that MS-13 and 18th Street gangs were getting the children, it only took them less than three weeks if you can imagine, to walk me off the site under threat of investigation,” Rodas said on the Wednesday edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show. “That’s what happened to me.”

Considering we've had everyone from the EffingBI on down illegally screwing with whistleblowers, that part wouldn't surprise me.  Throw in other crap that's been going on with kids and the borders and gangs for years, that doesn't either.

One of the various problems with arthritis:

It really screws with my typing at times.  Which does not help matters.

Friday, July 26, 2024

I'm going to link a few things, partly so I don't lose them an addition

and partly because they have information you might be able to use.

It's Been Easy To Forget How Bad Kamala Harris Is

A fascist rally in Washington, DC
Really a flat-out Nazi rally

A whole bunch of links of media weenies then calling Harris the Border Czar and such, since they're now saying she never was

A nice piece on some of the weapon-handling problems during the assassination attempt.
And it has this at the close:
Here’s what you should really be contemplating…
One of the best trained and equipped law enforcement agencies in the entire world failed at their jobs to protect the former president in a public place despite a virtually unlimited budget. Why do you think your local cops can protect you and your family from violent crime? You are on your own. You should train with this concept in mind.

On the EffingBI, would any of you be surprised by this?
Police departments throughout the United States have stopped sharing information with the FBI due a “disturbing loss of trust” in the Bureau, an alarming new whistleblower report has found.

An alliance of retired and active duty FBI special agents and analysts examined the attitudes of the Bureau’s “local law enforcement partners,” drawing on the testimony of more than 30 “independent, highly credible law enforcement sources and sub-sources” across the country.

Speaking of LE, the local cops offered drones to the SS before the rally, and were turned down.

Man, they're REALLY trying to change history to protect Harris:

Added: No, I do not think AIPAC has a guy assigned to every member of Congress telling them how to vote.  I don't think you're a National Socialist if you believe that, I do think that's dumb.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Yes, we have been warned

And they keep telling us themselves, and the PC-at-any-cost morons keep calling you names if you take note of it
The full picture is here

Sounds interesting. Problem is it can also be used

to make sure nobody has video of what the cops are doing except the cops.  If they bother to wear cameras.

I very much get wanting to protect your officers; I also get that there's been enough garbage and flat-out lawbreaking by some agencies that, anymore, I automatically look for "Can they use this to hide any of their own criminal/possibly criminal acts?"

Found at Tam's place

This is the Director of the EffingBI, folks

Despite hours of questioning, Wray claimed twice that the FBI still hasn't figured out what exactly grazed Trump's ear at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He told Rep. Kevin Kiley (R-Calif.), "My understanding is that either it [a bullet] or some shrapnel is what grazed his ear."
You can add this to all the dancing he's done to avoid giving a flat answer to, well, damn near everything.

A bit of a roundup, because there's a lot going on

The media fix is in:
– Axios deletes calling Harris the border czar
– GovTrack deletes calling Harris the most liberal Senator
– Harris was a shining example of DEI; now calling her a “DEI candidate” is false and racist

The last included some D politician blowing up that calling her a DEI hire is 'the N word', etc.

This is a whole collection of media weenies insisting "Harris was never the Border Czar", with lots of media weenies in the past saying she was exactly that.
Yes, it's on X, don't have to have an account or sign in to watch it.

A bunch of protesters decide to protest Netanyahu speaking by burning US flags and flying Palestinian ones.

The bastards did this, too:

How many are foreign citizens?  And why are they not being deported after this? 

And last,
Last week, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-Ky.) fired off a letter in response to the White House’s political gamesmanship. In short, Chairman Comer demanded that Stefanie Feldman, the Director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, quit stalling and provide answers over “potential collaboration” between Biden administration officials and Everytown for Gun Safety.
If this goes as usual, this will produce squat.  In large part because Congress overall doesn't have the balls to say "You received a subpoena and ignored it/lied under oath, and you're being charged for it", let alone actually carrying it out.
Short version: Chicago and the usual suspects want to charge Glock with not making it harder for crooks to convert pistols to machine pistols, and Biden/Harris & Co. are all about screwing gun companies for any reason possible.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

I may have to take up popcorn again

Donald Trump scored a significant court win Saturday as a state judge in Florida turned down attempts by the Pulitzer Prize Board to toss out a libel lawsuit Trump filed in 2022 relating to a series of reports in the New York Times and Washington Post on the 2016 Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

In a 14-page ruling issued Saturday, Senior Judge Robert Pegg turned down arguments from the prominent journalism awards panel that their decision to bestow the national reporting prize on the staffs of the two newspapers in 2018 amounted to a statement of “pure opinion” rather than fact.

The libel suit does not hinge directly on the articles the Times and Post published about the Trump campaign’s links to Russia or on the decision to award the Pulitzer to the newspapers.

Instead, the case focuses on the board’s decision in 2022 to publicly reaffirm those awards despite repeated complaints by Trump that the the stories contained numerous falsehoods and were undermined by the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year investigation into those issues.

Trump appears to have zeroed in on the board’s 2022 statement about the reviews it ordered of the earlier prizes because Florida law has a two-year statute of limitations for defamation cases.
This means the Trump team now has right to discovery.

Yes, let's talk about Harris's time as Californicated AG:

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), a leading candidate to be Joe Biden’s running mate, repeatedly and openly defied U.S. Supreme Court orders to reduce overcrowding in California prisons while serving as the state’s attorney general, according to legal documents reviewed by the Prospect. Working in tandem with Gov. Jerry Brown, Harris and her legal team filed motions that were condemned by judges and legal experts as obstructionist, bad-faith, and nonsensical, at one point even suggesting that the Supreme Court lacked the jurisdiction to order a reduction in California’s prison population.

The intransigence of this legal work resulted in the presiding judges in the case giving serious consideration to holding the state in contempt of court. Observers worried that the behavior of Harris’s office had undermined the very ability of federal judges to enforce their legal orders at the state level, pushing the federal court system to the brink of a constitutional crisis. This extreme resistance to a Supreme Court ruling was done to prevent the release of fewer than 5,000 nonviolent offenders, whom multiple courts had cleared as presenting next to no risk of recidivism or threat to public safety.
This era of Harris’s tenure as attorney general escaped the recent close re-examination of some of the higher-profile cases in her prosecutorial past. During her brief presidential run, a memo from the tail end of this battle resurfaced; in late 2014, lawyers from her office claimed that nonviolent offenders needed to stay incarcerated, lest they lose bodies for fire camps in the wildfire-plagued state, as Jackie Kucinich of the Daily Beast reported.

Harris was quick to disavow the memo, claiming she had no knowledge of it and telling BuzzFeed News she was “shocked” by the argument. But it squares firmly with the sort of arguments her office was putting forward for multiple years preceding it. Harris, meanwhile, was known to run an extremely centralized attorney general’s office, with few things coming in or going out without her express sign-off. With a ruling handed down from the country’s highest court, this was one of the highest-profile cases she managed in her role as attorney general. An extremely high-stakes case involving a decarceration order she spent years resisting is unlikely to have escaped her awareness.

So, at the least, she'd be just as bad as Biden about "I don't care what the courts say, this is what I want to do!"   Ain't that a wonderful thought.

Why am I not surprised...

FBI whistleblower Steve Friend tweeted last week, “Little birdies are telling me there is more concern about ‘right-wing’ violence as a response to the Trump assassination attempt than the attack itself within the IC community. That's probably something Congress look [sic] into. 🤔” He added on Tuesday, “More of my @FBI moles are confirming. Their joint terrorism task forces are almost exclusively focusing on anonymous tips about a ‘right-wing’ response to the failed assassination attempt.”
Remember that old joke about "Muslim groups worried about islamophobic incidents following the next terrorist attack"?  This fits right in, doesn't it?

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It appears there has been a perambulating Biden sighting

walking from a car to an airplane.  So he's not dead yet.

I wonder how he likes being screwed by his party the way he's screwed so many others?

Meanwhile, in Californicated,

AQMD urged California residents to stay indoors, avoid physical activity and stray from adding to the air pollution by lighting other fires.

'Avoid burning wood in your fireplace or firepit and minimize sources of indoor air pollution such as candles, incense, pan-frying, and grilling,' Newsweek reported the alert said.

Bold mine.
So, how long till the anointed Harris starts pushing to ban grilling and smoking 'to save us from globular climatey changes'?

This was a couple of hours yesterday

That's the chain slider that goes around the swingarm on the bike.  Which announced it was done when I was backing into the driveway and that lower portion fell off.

Yeah, that's what I'd ordered from the parts place.  Less of a pain to replace than I'd feared, but still took a while, as I'm not that good at kneeling and rolling around on the driveway anymore.

Speaking of "This does not make you feel good",

the SS mess just keeps getting further into "Oh, hell" territory
If they did record and lost or destroyed them accidentally, further incompetence; if they didn't, why the hell not?  And if they did and deliberately destroyed them, that has to be counted as evidence of guilt.  

Of what is to be determined.

This is one of those 'Does this mean something, or not?'

That wording is not something that will make you feel good.
Link to the video

Monday, July 22, 2024

This was getting really weird,

what with his "I'm not running" being sent out on social media, apparently without his staff being informed, followed by the current "Where's Gropey?": no news conference, no pictures, no video.  

Now there's been a call to Harris, but still no video or stills.  I could be wrong but the voice sounded like someone who's medicated.

And now this, apparently pandering for the terrorist and terrorist sympathizer votes:

Sonuvabitch, Google is now playing 'Sign in to add this image' again.  Bastards.  Harris is declining to meet Netanyahu while he's here addressing Congress.

Ho-ly shit, this is bad.  As Insty put it 'The Democrats are committing that coup they always scream they're afraid of.'

From the Party of Inclusion

CNN commentator said that one of the Democrats who is being considered as Kamala’s VP is Jewish and his ethnicity/religion creates “some risks” for the party. “He’s jewish — there could be some risks putting him on the table.”

Well, they've been courting the terorist vote for a long time, why would this surprise anyone?
Screenshot in case you don't want to go to the link

"We didn't deny any requests for additional security! Well,

we did, but-" etc. ad Bullshit.

It's not just the director of the SS who needs to resign.  Or, preferably, be fired.

And I still want a flat no-BS reason why their rifleman didn't fire BEFORE the assassin pulled the trigger.

Something you know the Democrats would love to do here

Chancellor Rachel Reeves has been urged by policy wonks to consider an inheritance tax raid on pension pots, amid rising pressure to meet public spending targets. Leading think tanks have told her the move could raise up to £2 billion a year in takings from grieving families.

Experts warn that such a move would be disastrous for millions of families' retirement plans and could prompt a race to empty large pension pots.

Those who don't act could be slapped with 40 per cent tax bills on money left over in pensions when they die, worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.

One former pensions minister even says the tax raid would 'potentially destroy pensions' altogether.

Which is probably their ultimate aim.  Much like various bastards here have wanted to 'fold private pensions into Social Security to shore up the system'.  Which is a fancy way of saying "WE can use your money better than you can, so hand it over!"  
I repeat my thought at the time: First politician who tries to grab private pensions should be flogged and then hanged.  Publicly.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

So Biden decided to bow out, or else

he was given a deal he couldn't refuse, which could mean "We'll keep the family from going to jail" or "We'll paint you as a great stateman, or a crack-brained old man, your choice."  No telling.

Ever media clown who's been following their orders will now start pumping up Harris, or whoever they've been told is the Democrat savior, at least for now.

I wonder if they'll manage to cool down their convention, or it'll be maybe worse than it was going to?

I'm getting tired of interesting times.