Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Why am I not surprised...

FBI whistleblower Steve Friend tweeted last week, “Little birdies are telling me there is more concern about ‘right-wing’ violence as a response to the Trump assassination attempt than the attack itself within the IC community. That's probably something Congress look [sic] into. 🤔” He added on Tuesday, “More of my @FBI moles are confirming. Their joint terrorism task forces are almost exclusively focusing on anonymous tips about a ‘right-wing’ response to the failed assassination attempt.”
Remember that old joke about "Muslim groups worried about islamophobic incidents following the next terrorist attack"?  This fits right in, doesn't it?


  1. Not surprising since there's a high order probability that the FBI was involved in the planning of the assassination attempt.

    1. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Nope, the CIA and the Secret Service were in charge of the operation. The FBI is in charge of the cover-up.

    2. MN Steel5:38 AM

      Who uses explosives in the US to nail patsies? 1993 WTC Egyptian army major testimony, J6 pipe bombs, that Cuban retard in Florida, the literally retarded fresh-off-the-boat africans with RPGs to name a few.

      Why were newspapers primed with the "Loud noises" at the assasination attempt when everybody could identify gunshots?

      Why can't there be interagency cooperation for addressing what they believe to be existential threats?

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM

    care to bet the ones phoning in the anonymous tips are all democrats?

  3. Terrytheterrible7:01 AM

    It seems to me that the ' why am I not surprised ' group is pretty big.

  4. Planning the attempt and running the cover-up.

    Such a deal!

  5. It's a circle jerk because the tips are coming from their plants.............

  6. Anonymous 6:23, thanks for clearing that up for me. Should have known it was the same set-up as Dallas.
