Thursday, July 25, 2024

A bit of a roundup, because there's a lot going on

The media fix is in:
– Axios deletes calling Harris the border czar
– GovTrack deletes calling Harris the most liberal Senator
– Harris was a shining example of DEI; now calling her a “DEI candidate” is false and racist

The last included some D politician blowing up that calling her a DEI hire is 'the N word', etc.

This is a whole collection of media weenies insisting "Harris was never the Border Czar", with lots of media weenies in the past saying she was exactly that.
Yes, it's on X, don't have to have an account or sign in to watch it.

A bunch of protesters decide to protest Netanyahu speaking by burning US flags and flying Palestinian ones.

The bastards did this, too:

How many are foreign citizens?  And why are they not being deported after this? 

And last,
Last week, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee James Comer (R-Ky.) fired off a letter in response to the White House’s political gamesmanship. In short, Chairman Comer demanded that Stefanie Feldman, the Director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, quit stalling and provide answers over “potential collaboration” between Biden administration officials and Everytown for Gun Safety.
If this goes as usual, this will produce squat.  In large part because Congress overall doesn't have the balls to say "You received a subpoena and ignored it/lied under oath, and you're being charged for it", let alone actually carrying it out.
Short version: Chicago and the usual suspects want to charge Glock with not making it harder for crooks to convert pistols to machine pistols, and Biden/Harris & Co. are all about screwing gun companies for any reason possible.


  1. Trumpeter6:21 AM

    Well I know ONE of the controversial figures was foreign, Netinyaho. Thomas Massey recently told us that EVERY Republican in the House and the Senate has an AIPAC minder who the politicians must clear any decisions prior to voting. Dennis Kusinich said the same about Democrats under the control of Israel. So I would suggest that at least 520 of the 535 elected Congress Critters are Foreign Owned and Controlled.

  2. History will be edited to support today's agenda. It's what commies do. And anyone pointing this out will be destroyed.


  3. "This is a whole collection of media weenies insisting "Harris was never the Border Czar", with lots of media weenies in the past saying she was exactly that."

    I'll bet the Venn diagrams of the "nevers" and the "zacklys" overlap perfectly.

  4. " Chicago and the usual suspects want to charge Glock with not making it harder for crooks to convert pistols to machine pistols,"

    I love it when politicians pretend they're engineers.

  5. Trumpeter, I doubt it. A lot.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    You can't blame 'em really.
    She's the only wHORse they got, so they got to support her.
    Now maybe come convention time, they'll select someone else (and won't that make the media run amok), but for now, they're stuck with a turd they got to polish.

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Regarding the deportation of any protestor: none were caught and identified, and DC is a sanctuary.

  8. Paraphrasing someone from one of the usual blogs this morning: "The Russians have a saying: 'We know about the future; it's the past that keeps changing'."
