Sunday, July 14, 2024

This "Trump set it up for publicity" bullshit reminded me of a book

Donald Hamilton wrote a long time ago, 'Line of Fire'

Politician connives with a organized crime guy to have someone make some 'near miss' shots at him to bolster his anti-crime credentials("Those people fear me so much they tried to kill me!").

Crook pressures a guy he knows who is a master-class rifleman to do it.  He sets it up very carefully, so politician will be at a place where no innocents will get hurt.

Politician is talking to someone not in on it, and just as the rifleman fires he waves an arm for emphasis...

Politician loses the arm and the story goes on from there.  The shooting is pissed for various reasons, including "I KNEW playing games like that with guns would blow up in our faces."

Which is what the idiots don't seem to understand: "Shoot me in the ear or something" will almost inevitably become "Well, that didn't work" as the shooter tries to escape.

As I said earlier, if you believe that 'publicity' crap you're telling me you don't know squat about shooting without actually saying it.

Effing idiots.


  1. I have that book also, and the same thing came to mind when I saw those theories. Some people who talk a lot of trash don't know much about shooting.

  2. Only an idiot would believe this was staged. But then most leftists are stupid... and that's being generous.

  3. No marksman can intentionally hit an ear on a moving head.

    There's one way to stage it - the Hollywood special effects way. They'd plant a squib (a small explosive device) and a package of catsup or something on the ear, film firing the gun and detonating the squib separately, then splice the films together. But I'm sure by now that that if was what they had done, someone would have analyzed the high-quality close-up film of Trump's head and found some sign of the squib.

    So it's real, and Trump was very lucky.
