Monday, July 15, 2024

From the Bee

Pretty much.  We had so many journalists trying to distance themselves from their past "Biden is in great shape!" stuff(some only until the new "He just had a bad night/meeting/had a cold!" orders came out), it was amazing: "His staff lied to us!"  "You met and saw him how many times and you didn't see any of this?"  "Shut up!"

Then came the murderer striking, and the immediate reaction of them was to downplay it, like the "Trump rushed out after falls on stage" crap.

It's been downright amazing.  Along with all the people who've been calling for Trump to be killed suddenly saying "Both sides have to tone the rhetoric down!"

Now throw in just how this happened, and the Secret Service either had some orders not to do things right, or this bunch was effing incompetent.  Then, after the EffingBI got at it, it appears this guy had no social media record at all, which is just...  far more likely is the said Bureau scrubbed it, whether out of "Nobody but US gets to see it!" or it would prove embarrassing to certain people and groups.*

I think that the next time a bunch of leftists decide to riot and burn part of a city, at least in places outside the People's Republics of MA/CA/NY and such, the reception is likely to be a lot hotter, too.  A whole lot of people have had enough.

Nothing profound here, just some thoughts.  

*No, I don't trust them.  At all.  Few years back I wrote a piece about how much it bothered me to say that; it still does, but they've thrown away the trust I- hell, a LOT of people- used to have in them.


  1. The delay to reveal the shooters identiety made me guess that they were searching social media to get rid of anything they didn't like. You hit the nail on the head I think.

  2. Sadly, there is no trust in the FBI anymore.

  3. Well, isn't THIS interesting.

    Posted by Oldarmorer in Day by Day commments:

    It’s even worse than you’d think, too many ‘coincidences’ are lining up…

    …Secret Services resources were diverted to Jill Biden’s PA event and away from Trump’s because they followed agency protocol applying to Trump as a former president, according to two sources within the Secret Service community…

    …I’m told the only permanent agent from trump’s detail during the rally was SAIC (Special Agent In Charge) Kern, two sources within the Secret Service community told me. All others were temps,” Crabtree reported. Pittsburgh “USSS Field Office had a Jill Biden visit and designated a lot of resources to her, the source said. Also – the advance work only occurred one-day beforehand bc of a lack of resources.”…

    …Another Secret Service source says approval for the Counter Sniper Team was only granted the day before the rally – and that is not enough time for a two-man team to do their survey. That’s nowhere near enough time – a site like that should have had at least three Secret Service counter-sniper teams at the very least.”…

    This is what happens when you start inbreeding…

    Joe Biden’s Chief Strategist/senior advisor Mike Donilon has a brother named Thomas Donilon, who is the current Chairman of BlackRock Investment?

    Thomas Donilon also served as the National Security advisor under Barack Huossein Obama, and he is married to UNICEF Director General Catherine Russell.

    Now they’re saying, of course, that the assassin was ‘mentally ill’ but there’s no mention that his father, who he supposedly got the rifle from, is a ‘mental health expert’ who runs his own ‘mental health consulting office’ and apparently didn’t see a need to keep him away from firearms.

  4. If there's an attempt on a different politician - say one who has recently become a liability to his party - it could be blamed on 'retaliation'.

    Interesting times.

  5. Anonymous7:09 PM

    And the local Sheriff (who hasn't answered whether the cop / deputy who went up the assassins' ladder, saw him, and dropped down, had transmitted a warning), said that his department wasn't tasked to sweep or cover that building.
    He implied that if they had been asked to do so, that they would have done that.
    The Secret Service spokesweasel said that the building was outside the security perimeter, and not their responsibility.
    That building is the closest overlook to the stage. Other reports gave the Secret Service noting that the building was a threatening location.
    All so convenient that I begin to suspect enemy action, especially with the FBI there to sterilize the evidence.
    John in Indy
