Friday, June 07, 2024

Well, I have a response to the Admiral:

Kiss my ass.
'McRaven did not hesitate: “Just a show of faith…. Stay away from our institutions. You know every time you undermine the judicial system, every time you undermine one of our institutions, you undermine America…. So, to say this was not a fair trial undermines the most important institution that we have and that’s our judicial system. So this is really a plea for civility and I hope folks on the left and the right will listen and read the op-ed and try to be, again, try to rise above this.” 

As I recall, one of the very important things about the Constitution was recognizing that free people both can and should criticize the institutions of government when people think they've screwed up.  So yes, Admiral, you can take your advice and shove it.  And you can kiss my ass.


  1. Anonymous6:27 AM

    If the babbling dumbasses need further instruction, might I point them to the Declaration of Independence.
    We have a DUTY to take out corruption that pre-dates the creation of the admirals precious navy.

  2. Is this an admiral in the British navy in 1776? Sounds like it.

  3. I like it when they blow smoke up my ass, it tickles.

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Your speech is violence , their violence is speech. Democracy will die if truth and reality are considered.

  5. "You know every time you undermine the judicial system, every time you undermine one of our institutions, you undermine America." I wonder if the good Admiral understands that the sham trial that just concluded was the most serious assault on the judicial system in recent history. Possibly the most serious assault since its founding. Those who hate this country have sown the wind, they may well reap the whirlwind before this is concluded. Whether or not the country can withstand that whirlwind is debatable.

  6. Anonymous4:56 PM

    McRaven was SOCOM under Barry Soetoro. The Kenyan only promoted those who were politically reliable.

    According to his wiki-bio he called for removal of President Trump in 2019.

    He appears to be the exception to the general rule that warriors honor their oath to the Constitution.

  7. Am I the only one that reads his name as " cRaven"?

  8. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Two simple truths easily nullify McRaven's screed.
    1) In this country the people ARE the government.
    2) In this country freedom of speech is an institution.
