Friday, June 07, 2024

Hm. If this is true, here's another reason for that verdict to be thrown out

Because, at the least, can you say 'jury rigging'?*

*Which is nothing to surprise anyone in this case


  1. Anonymous3:06 AM

    It was a forgone conclusion Trump was going to get convicted. You can bet your bottom dollar the crackhead will get aquitted in Delaware too.
    'Rigged' doesn't even begin to describe this crap.

  2. I am a Christian, and as such, I know that it is wrong for me to hate anyone. So I am a Christian who struggles with that one thing, because I have started to hate anyone who is outspoken in their rabid hatred of not only Donald Trump, but actually anyone who believes in the principles that he espouses. Things like the constitution, basic human rights, like that of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
    You know, pretty much the very things that those on the left want to take away and dangle in front of us like a carrot, so that we become dependent on the largess of the fed gov for all good things.
    Since I have shown that I am a bad example of a Christian I will go all the way and say that those socialists can go screw themselves.
