Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It being that time of year, I'm going to repost that electrolyte mix

2 quarts water
6 tablespoons honey powder (you can use honey, but honey powder is a bit easier to mix)
2 teaspoons Himalayan pink sea salt
2/3 cup lemon juice (if you prefer another citrus juice, you can use it instead)
1/2 teaspoon orange extract (for flavor; without it, the taste is fairly blah)

That's the original.  Over time I changed a couple of things:
The sea salt has some other minerals in, I'm told, but plain salt seems to work.  And you can do something else: use half salt, and half Morton Lite Salt, which is half potassium.  
I'm only using 3 tablespoons of honey, seems to be plenty.
Can also use orange juice or lime juice, big factor is some type of citrus.


  1. How mush sugar is in it do you know? Have type 2 and need to cut or avoid excessive sugar.

  2. No sugar, just the honey

  3. Anonymous12:12 AM

    I like the idea, but in hot climates where you’re sweating your ass off, Sodium is what is needed. If you need a better flavor then go for the above mentioned mix. Potassium as mentioned, Morton Lite Salt can also be a *good* thing.
    While working as a paramedic, when roofers were going down because of the increased humidity in the later summer months, (Phx) the main cure was an IV of natural saline, 0.9%.
    Salt the water you drink, (if you can taste it, you used a bit too much) and drink a LOT of it. If you have high BP but you’re sweating your ass off, don’t worry about the increased salt intake.
    If you pee and it looks like dark tea, DRINK MORE!! Light yellow pee is what you are looking for.
    That shows you are sufficiently hydrated and shouldn’t be getting cramps, headache or nausea.
    The headache, nausea and/or cramps in your fingers, arms or legs mean STOP AND HYDRATE!
    If someone around you is getting loopy in the heat, meaning a change in their mentation, call 911.
    That is a true emergency! That is a sign of Heat Stroke which is deadly if not aggressively treated NOW.

  4. I have not before heard of powdered honey. Does it still have antibacterial qualities? Why not honey produced nearest your location?

  5. Roofers... no idea how they stand it in these temps.

  6. The original recipe called for that because dissolves easier. I've wondered about the antibacterial myself.

    I always mixed it as water, then honey(used some from a local apiary) and shake until dissolved, then the other stuff one at a time.

  7. Anonymous7:48 AM

    The pink salt is a good idea. Regular salt lacks all of the other minerals that keep the cells in balance. I tell you regular salt is killing americans.

  8. Woodchuck Switchel
    Makes 1 Gallon
    In a Wide Mouth Gallon Jug Combine:
    Big Chunk of Ginger, Unpeeled, Washed & Fine Grated
    2 Big Lemons (cut up to fit into the jug), Vigorously Squeezed (Releases the oils in the rind)
    2/3 Cup Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar
    1/4 Cup Raw Unfiltered Honey
    1/4 Cup Light, Unsulphured, Molasses
    1/4 Cup Vermont Maple Syrup (the darker the better)
    Start with 2 quarts or so warm water, cap the jug and shake a lot.
    Fill the balance of the jug with more warm water, loosly cap and let stand unrefridgerated for 2 or 3 days.
    Strain & chill.
    Work your ass off outside for about 3 hours, preferably on a hot sunny day.
    Work some more.
