Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I remember when these bastards got caught; most media wanted little to nothing to do

with the case.  Now they STILL haven't been tried?  And their lawyer is playing games, even after his earlier demand for exact dates led to this?
At this time, they were discussing whether or not to seek a re-indictment of the criminal charges with more counts added on after the defense's request for specific dates sparked a forensic investigation into the surveillance system that the Zulocks had installed in the interior of their home.

A formidable four terabytes of data, which investigators are continuing to comb through, was extracted from the 16 security cameras stationed all over the house in every single room. The cameras were recording 24 hours a day, seven days a week, capturing everything, including the sexual assaults. "They are all on video filmed throughout multiple rooms in the house," the prosecution says.
So, the prosecution can now specify "hundreds of allegations," matching the metadata to timeframes, as the defense unwittingly welcomed.

But wait! There's MORE!
Majors clarified that the charges, as they stand, stem from child pornographic photographs and videos—taken primarily on Zachary's iPhone—that are presently in the DA's possession. A folder, labeled "US," was allegedly found on Zachary's cell phone containing videos of William sexually abusing their one son.

And they were pimping the kids out, too...

This is one of those cases that 'cruel and unusual punishment' sounds like it might be the right thing.


  1. The death too slow and too painful hasn't been thought of yet.
    I'd ask the boys if they wanted to have some Quality Time with them.

  2. Punishments need to extend to everyone at CPS and the adoption agencies that placed children with these monsters.

  3. Death penalty. No appeals. Death penalty right now, right here. Then burned. Then buried. Then dug up and burned.

    Every bit of their estates, the sanitized parts, if any, sold and monies to pay to making those children whole, as much as possible.

    Then to cast a wide net, every person associated with those two. The same demise. Alternately, a millstone around their neck and thrown into the sea.

    Which reminds me. So much evil in this world I'm going to start a business making millstones.

  4. I have to wonder if the decision to let them adopt involved "They're a gay couple, it'll be a lot of trouble if we say no for any reason"?

    If it did, then yes, they need to be called on it.
