Monday, April 01, 2024

"We are a Sanctuary City(until all those illegals start actually costing them

to live up to it)!"
A Denver city official begged migrant families to move on to other sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago, warning them that a lack of resources in Colorado would cause them to ‘suffer.’

In a clip first obtained by 9NEWS, Communications Liaison Andres Carrera urges a group of recent arrivals inside a migrant shelter to look for support in other places.

‘The opportunities are over,’ Carrera says in Spanish. ‘New York gives you more. Chicago gives you more. So I suggest you go there where there is longer-term shelter. There are also more job opportunities there.’

Translation: "It's costing too much to live up to our virtue signaling, you have to get out!"

As Kim said in a different context, "Screw 'em; the idiots voted for these politicians.  It's too bad the non-idiots are getting screwed by this as well."


  1. Sailorcurt12:41 PM

    "It's too bad the non-idiots are getting screwed by this as well."

    That's one of the beautiful things about a free country. The Non-idiots are free to move somewhere else.

    Virginia is heading that way. I see the current Governor (who has busily been vetoing all the ridiculous leftist crap being passed by the democrat legislature) as a temporary reprieve.

    He basically won because his opponent was a moron. If next time the Dems put up a candidate who is smart enough not to say stupid sh1t until AFTER they're elected, they'll win handily and all those ridiculous leftist bills will be signed into law.

    For that reason, my wife and I have already purchased 19 acres of land in Free America and are working on getting it ready to live on.

    The 5 year plan is to get it ready, move out there permanently and sell the property in Virginia. Hopefully before the Democrats screw things up so badly that we can't sell or end up having to take a loss.

    At any rate, the point is, anyone who doesn't like the direction their state is headed can always move their conservative vote to another state where their values are appreciated.

    Luckily my company has already indicated that they'll let me work remotely after I move, so I don't even have to find a new job (or retire, which is the other option).

    Even if that weren't the case, I won't live in a democrat dominated hell-hole so even if it was a case of heading out with nothing more than what we can carry on our backs, we'd be on our way out. Virginia is lost. Too overrun with liberals who work in DC (but won't live there because they've already turned it into a hell-hole) and people fleeing places like NY and NJ but aren't smart enough to figure out what it was that caused them to go belly up in the first place.

    Prediction: in 10 years, Virginia's going to be no better than California - restrictive gun laws, gas cars outlawed, sky high electricity provided intermittently by offshore wind farms, etc.

    If all goes to plan, we won't be around to "enjoy" it.

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    I would like to point out that a complete lack of resources in New Hampshire would cause any criminal alien to suffer greatly. Really, really greatly.
    As I struggle with losing certain coverages from Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, I care less and less about the criminal sucking off the teat of American workers who have paid into a system, in many cases unwillingly, their entire adult lives only to find out that some dirtbag criminal from some hellhole of a third world country is living in a 5 star hotel and eating free and getting cash every month while I can't pay my bills.
