Monday, April 01, 2024

These people really want to destroy the country

The Gateway Pundit reported last week that Joe Biden issued the most radical environmental rules in American history to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles and force customers to drive ineffective electric cars. Now, a new report has revealed the effort to finish off the gas-powered car is well-underway in eight states.
They're probably the ones you'd expect to go along with this crap.

Let's see: there's not enough electricity production NOW.  Multiple states have noted that if we have(make that 'when') we have another extreme cold/heat event, the grid could very well fail due to overreliance on bird cuisinarts and solar panels.  Now throw in that electricity demands are forecast to grow exponentially, not counting charging battery cars damn few people actually want.

And the clowns in charge want to force everyone to use electricity- increasing the demand- while they have little or no plans for power production that has a chance of meeting the greater demand.  Because Globular Warmening/Cooling/Changery.

Now throw in the EUnichs and WEF figuring on ordering people to use less when things are failing.  Because they want that control over us.

I think I understated the title: they want to destroy advanced western society.  Except for the party they'll control, because the Superiors must live well while they're controlling all the serfs.


  1. This is all to force people into the "15 Minute Cities". Way easier to control the population when they are grouped like that.
