Monday, March 25, 2024

I swear, I may have to stop arguing about politicians,

because I'm sick of the bullshit.  In particular:
"You criticize Biden, but you support a convicted rapist!"
Leave aside that Trump was not convicted of such(and Stephanopoulos may get his ass handed to him in court for saying he was), "Says who?"
"You didn't condemn the Bad Orange Man in the right words!"

Crap like that, then add in when they read what you wrote and interpret it- and accuse you of saying- what they want you to have said, and attacking that.  On and bloody on.

Apparently the idea that I can dislike a lot about Trump AND despise Biden at the same time just does not compute.  Or they can't believe it.

For the most part you're not going to convince those people of anything except that you're against democracy("We're a REPUBLIC, dammit, and for good reasons!"), or love rapists, etc. ad Bullshit.

It's really enough to ruin any willingness to talk to people.

I know, I have too much "Surely they can argue in good faith!" in people.  Losing that rapidly.


  1. I dislike Trump and Biden a lot, too. I feel your pain

  2. Anonymous3:24 PM

    I’m with you with not liking everything about Trump but despise Biden. I would be happy to have other choices but you have to play the hand dealt.

  3. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Everyone has a line. It sounds like you've come to yours.

    Myself, I have long tried to listen to and understand others. I would extend the benefit of the doubt.
    But there are some minds you can't get through to. In the interest of sanity I make fervent efforts to avoid them. It helps that they are usually easily identified.

    The sad thing is our humanity suffers for it. You try to be more than cordial, genuinely pleasant to all. Yet there are those who seek to twist that to be a weakness which they can exploit.

  4. Anonymous6:47 PM

    I find it funny that every time I say something negative about Biden I'm accused of being a Putin plant. Seriously folk? I never voted for Trump -- but as much as Biden supporters have their heads firmly up their rectums, I probably will in November just to spite them.

    As far as Trump being a rapist goes, Biden showered with a 12 year old girl. I don't know how many of you have/had a daughter that was 12, but Biden is one sick puppy.
