Monday, March 25, 2024

Announced over the weekend is the latest "Screw civil rights and due process,

someone said you're a risk so we're here to take your guns" work by Pres. Gropey & Veep Kneepads:
Known as the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center, this latest office will put the DOJ's $2 million allotment to use under its Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program. The ERPO center was established with the help of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. A simplified website guides prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service providers, social service providers, and household members on how to file protection orders against gun owners they deem at risk.
'At risk' often meaning "Someone decides they're pissed at you and want to screw with you, so they can do it anonymously and pay no penalty for doing so".  Isn't it just wonderful?

For what it may be worth, this is a time to yell at the Congresscritters.  Loudly.

Yes, I know that they just, among other things gave the EffingBI many millions for a new headquarters as a reward for breaking laws, violating civil rights, and otherwise being Stasi-type assholes, but it can't hurt to yell at the senators and reps.  Again.


  1. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Funds got voted in courtesy of 101 rinos.

  2. Imagine a time when a letter to your Congress critter earns one of these newfangled red flags!

  3. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Taxes paid by taxpayers spent to curtail your God given rights. Congress strikes again.
    Makes April 15th such a special day!
