Thursday, February 08, 2024

Why am I not surprised?

As Reps. Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.) and Cori Bush (D., Mo.) face difficult primary challenges, the progressive lawmakers are teaming up—by holding a swanky joint fundraiser alongside anti-Israel activists who have endorsed Hamas terrorism and defended notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan.
Of course they have.

It's just bloody amazing how these clowns team up.  BLM wants to be free to riot, burn, and steal without criticism or worries about being stopped, let alone jailed, and the Squat would love to help.  And they all hate Jews for some damned reason.  And they all hate the US, ignoring that if they tried this crap in most other places they'd have been in cells a long time ago.

Not to mention Omar letting it out that her loyalty is to Somalia.  If things were done right the hearings about removing her from Congress would already have started.  Except most of the Evil Party will help the racists and traitors along because it's votes to use against everyone else, and their primary loyalty seems to be to the Party, not the country.


  1. Terrytheterrible2:14 PM

    Heaven forbid if the uniparty should loose a vote or 2 or more

  2. Why do so many people hate Jews? Because Jews are the living proof that anyone can be successful with a little brains and a lot of hard work - and in the past, they have succeeded in spite of discrimination and even violence. In the USA Jewish success makes a mockery of both the leftist theology that success comes from luck and rich ancestors, and the black moaning about their disadvantages.
