Thursday, February 08, 2024

Basically "You're fired because you refuse to properly prostrate yourself

toward real humans."
Tamara Weitzman, an oncology social worker in Seattle, was called an “insensitive, Canadian white bitch” and a “white kike” at her workplace.

On both occasions she informed her superiors, but no action was taken against her abusers.

Instead, her employer – the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA), since merged with the Fred Hutchison Cancer Center (FHCC) – required Ms. Weitzman to endure “remedial” courses in racial sensitivity and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) at which her experiences with antisemitism were discounted and her political views denounced.

She says the message she got at the courses was that a) though she was Jewish, she “could pass” as white, so she could not have experienced discrimination; and b) she could not understand the history of racial discrimination.

Course moderators disparaged her opinions.

To add insult to injury, in February 2021, she was fired despite five years of service during which she received several favorable performance reviews – one said she was a “wonderful addition to the SCCA social work team” – and a 23% raise.

Reason: her “ethnic sensitivity” and core values did not align with those of the SCCA and her supervisor could not work with her to address these issues.

I hope she gets both ears and the tail in the lawsuit.  At the least.


  1. I would say lawsuit but it's damn near impossible for a white person to win a wrongful termination suit.

  2. Anonymous7:43 PM

    And as part of the settlement, say you'll accept less money if all the people involved in that BS are fired for cause.

  3. jim (in Kalifornia)10:17 AM

    She should have countered to her boss: "Holocaust anyone lately? I think my PEOPLE have suffered enough disparagement, discrimination, and yes, genocide against them for millenia. My ancestors have been slaves, outcasts, and scapegoats. Don't you lecture me on priveledge; my people have been on the other side of priveledge for most of history."

  4. Jim, wouldn't work: the Woke have labeled Jews as 'white' and that's all they need to ruin people.

  5. She needs to find a way to move the jury selection from Seattle to Spokane. There she'll probably get the highest punitive damages the law allows.
