Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Multiple Sclerosis Society is run by DEI bastards

In mid-January, 90-year-old Fran Itkoff received a letter in her email inbox from the organization’s Community Engagement Manager, Kali Kumor, notifying her that due to an alleged “failure to abide by our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion guidelines” they had “made the difficult decision” to tell her to “step down from your volunteer position, effective immediately.”
And, being the assholes they are,
Incredibly, though they no longer want Itkoff and the Lakewood/Long Beach Self-Help Group she leads to be “formally affiliated” with the organization, they told her that she and her group were “still welcome to attend and participate in the Society’s events and programs”:

Decades of volunteer work, and they do this why?
Raichik posted a short clip of the interview she did with Itkoff and Itkoff’s daughter, Elle Hamilton, to Twitter last week. In it, they talked about how the dismissal email came on a Friday afternoon just before 5 p.m. when there would be no one around to take a phone call or respond to an email. Itkoff also explained that the reason she asked about pronouns was because she saw them used after names on Society literature and wanted to know why:

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: National MS Society makes a 90-year-old volunteer step down because she wasn’t “inclusive” enough. Her crime was asking what pronouns are after she was required to start using them.

Yep.  She asked about pronouns...

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