Thursday, February 22, 2024

The MS society is playing "See, we're making it right,

so keep giving us lots of money!"
For those who don't look at X/Twitter,
After doubling down a couple of times saying that they were correct, they apparently faced a massive backlash that threatened their revenue stream. So now they’re contrite.

This isn’t an apology. It’s a plea forget what they did so they can get back to business as usual.

It’s no different than a person in court telling a judge how sorry they are, and expecting this “apology” to make it all go away.

When they change the leadership across-the-board that allowed this to happen in the first place, and put specific, written protocols in place to prevent it from happening again, then that’s a real apology.

Until then, donate to another organization.

(As a sidenote, I cofounded a marketing agency that represented several national nonprofits. I know how they work. They haven’t learned anything other than to do a better job of hiding their actions the next time, so they don’t provoke such a fury).


  1. Andrew10:41 AM

    I don't have a x account, but i do check out twitchy daily

  2. The VAST majority of "charities" exist solely to serve the greed of the people who own/run the charity.

  3. Thanks for mentioning the MS society, because that Tweet you linked contains absolutely no clue to who or what it is about. This is one of the things I hate about social media - all of them use software that allows a post to become entirely detached from it's antecedents, turning it into nonsense.

    Even so, I had to cast about in google for a while. "multiple sclerosis scandal" is what finally dug up something
