Monday, February 19, 2024

"Screw educating students, the DEI classes make the right people happy,

so we'll drop that useless crap like anthropology and physics!"

I wonder how much per year they're stealing from students for this?


  1. Terrapod6:04 AM

    Not stealing "per year", they are stealing their entire future and by default, the wealth of this nation going forward. There are only so many low skill jobs open and the numbers go down every year due to bad policy (minimum wage laws and increased taxation), so those who do not learn how to think, reason and extrapolate to make smart decisions are doomed. I came from a socialist country 50 years ago, see the same practices and laws growing here now. In brief, this is the "Latinization of the U.S.A." which is NOT a good thing.

  2. Just nuts... and sadly it's accepted.
