Sunday, February 18, 2024

At the time, asking questions and pointing out 'coincidences' got people shut down,

with Fecesbook and others helping out.  Now the responsible parties are basically "Well, we did the best we could."
A top FDA official admitted Thursday during a Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing that the government's vaccine safety reporting system was not prepared for the “avalanche” of submissions entered after the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines.

“As of February 2024, VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] reports for COVID-19 vaccines total significantly higher than all other vaccines combined since 1990 as reported,” said Chairman Brad Wenstrup of Ohio. “This is a surprising figure. Dr. Marks, was the government prepared for an avalanche of reports to VAERS?”

Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research at the FDA, acknowledged it wasn't.

Isn't it wonderful how all this is coming out now?


  1. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Wife was threatened with loss of her medical job over the notavax.
    Until some folks get buggered with a rusty chainsaw, nothing will come of it.

  2. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Don't matter now, the genie's out of the bottle.
    Spike protein shedding is real and is spreading to non-vaxxed.

  3. Anonymous3:33 AM

    The mind boggles at wondering if Covid was a test run for something worse that they knew was marginally lethal or it was designed as marginally lethal to destroy trust in vaccines and medicine ushering in god knows what else.

    1. MN Steel8:47 AM

      Diamond Princess showed the 80%/19%/~1% rates for the typical cruise ship population of Q-Tips and OG Bluehairs. 80% got some illness, 1% got offed, the rest were unaffected.

      Hospitals administrations bent over backwards to make the death toll worse by changing treatment protocols to those that damaged instead of healed, like ventilators (boondoggle money for industries and suppliers) and AIDS drugs while stopping alternate treatments.

      India had massive outbreaks with news articles about too many funeral pyres and the Ganges poluted with cremated ashes, until the hardest hit (poor) areas were flooded with HCQ/IVM/Z-pack medication and all news from there was immediately ended.

      Does that sound like an environment where an experimental treatment that was untested past 60 days in humans for a virus that mutates fast (meaning ever-less lethality based on every viral pathogen and nature since forever) requires these shots for everyone regardless of consequences later?

      It's almost like nobody read about the Feline Coronavirus vaccines from the 90s and early 00s when the cats were fine right up to when they encountered the wild strain and died.

      Lack of curiosity is killing a lot of cats several years down the line. At least the free donuts or lottery chances or that flight to Orlando or that shitty job where you're just a body to the admin were worth the death of Western Civilization.

      Good times, there's a reason I picked a home in the middle of a swamp surrounded by ranchers.
