Monday, February 05, 2024

Not another bleep-damned word about 'Only public schools with Professional Teachers

can properly educate children!'
A Bay Area Elementary School has spent $250,000 on a 'Woke Kindergarten' program only to see its student's literacy and numeracy rates plunge.

The 'Woke Kindergarten' program states its mission as an 'abolitionist early learning ecosystem' that trains teachers to uproot white supremacy, disrupt racism and oppression which are barriers to learning.

After spending the federal money on the program Glassbrook Elementary in Hayward saw numeracy among its 474 students fall to a new low of just 4 percent and literacy just 12 percent.

And now the 'WHAT?'
The scores, recorded last Spring two years into Woke Kindergarten's three-year contract, represent a 4 percentage decline in each category.
So the school's results were crap to start with, and they took the level lower.

And I'll bet the people in charge of this were well paid to screw these kids over.  And, in case you wondered,
'I am anti-Israel, I am pro-Palestine' Gross posted on the Woke Kindergarten Instagram account on Saturday.

'I believe Israel has no right to exist. I believe the United States has no right to exist' they explained.

So, one more racist, Jew-hating bunch taking over a school and damaging kids.  No surprise, in Gov. Hair Gel's Californicated.


  1. They achieved their objectives of indoctrinating children and leaving them innumerate and illiterate so they can be more easily led.

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Their argument falls apart at the education point. People leave that place without an ability to read, write, handle basic math or critical thinking skills.
