Tuesday, February 06, 2024

'Border Bill' my ass,

it's another 'Give the Democrats what they want and screw you and the country' bill.  Borrowing from Ace,
It's not even closing the border, as Biden has repeatedly claimed it was -- it's just "funneling" the illegals to official points of entry, where the law already requires aliens to enter through.

Now Murphy admits that this power merely to "funnel" illegals to ports of entry is only usable a "limited number of days per year."
This allows for a more a more orderly, humane asylum processing system.
6/ But...important checks on that power. It can only be used for a limited number of days per year. It sunsets in 3 years. Emergency cases that show up in between the ports still need to be accepted. The ports must process a minimum of 1400 claims a day. Ah-ha! Even when Biden "closes the border," which Murphy admits never happens, but instead just results in claims being processed at ports of entry, exceptions are still made for "emergency cases!"

Lankford is one of my state's Senators.  I really don't know if he was complicit in this("You haven't seen the actual bill, it really will let us close the border down!") or dumb enough to get rolled on it.  Either way, he's a huge disappointment.  So is Mullin, the other Senator, who insisted how much authority it would give to stop the problems.

And, of course, we have that bastard Schumer, glasses low on his nose, threatening that 'Ukraine will fall, Israel can't defeat Hamas, and US troops may be in combat in Eastern Europe if this bill does not pass!"
Anybody else as sick of this lying shit as I am?


  1. "Anybody else as sick of this lying shit as I am?"
    As the overtaxed, old retired white guy waves his hand frantically from the back row.......

  2. Andrew8:40 AM


    Texas Stripped of Powers in Border Security Bill

  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Not sure what to make of Mullin and Lankford, even our worthless Cornyn is having second thoughts.
