Sunday, January 07, 2024

Well, you know what side the Canadian government is on, now you know the cops

didn't change in the trucker protests, they just let their inner fascist out.

And when people stop supporting them because they're on the enemy side, the cops involved will be all butthurt and unhappy.  And some will truly not understand why.


  1. Anonymous7:56 AM

    These are the same sorts of cops who got caught on tape in the trucker protest about stomping truckers with their jack boots.


  2. Anonymous3:03 PM


  3. Until the thug badgemonkeys start significant numbers...they simply do not and will not care what us peons think, believe or feel. Just like their politician masters.

  4. I saw a video of two cops stealing cans of fuel off the backs of trucks during the protests...literally just unstrapping them and walking away. When confronted by the video grapher, who told them the fuel was likely for use in the truck's APU to keep warm in the freezing temps, they laughed and said it was legal to 'sieze', as it was being used for 'terrorist activity'.
    And don't forget the mounted officer who rode his horse over the woman in a wheelchair, killing her.
    Those are the Canadian Police.
