Sunday, January 07, 2024

It seems officer Byrd is a bigger piece of excrement than we already knew

Within a minute after firing the fatal bullet that struck Ashli Babbitt on Jan. 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd broadcast a radio report claiming shots were being fired at him in the Speaker’s Lobby and he was “prepared to fire back,” a federal lawsuit alleges.

The previously undisclosed radio dispatch is also contained on an audio recording obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times of the “OPS2” dispatch channel used by Capitol Police on Jan. 6.

I don't have a subscription so I can't read the whole report.  But it seems to fit with this "I saved countless people!" claiming asshole with a badge.

Two choices: he was trying to cover up what he did, or he's a panicky asshole who should never have been issued a firearm.


  1. Anonymous5:47 PM

    FIFY: he was trying to cover up what he did, AND he's a panicky asshole who should never have been issued a firearm.

  2. I see no reason that both choices are not correct.

  3. Yep, I too am going with panicky asshole covering his ass.

  4. Anonymous9:01 PM

    What anon 5:47 and don said.

  5. Anonymous9:08 PM

    You would think they would have rolled this out years ago! This is JIT !! I call BS!!!
    Like 2 masks hospital stay. Which I don’t buy. Some may say my foil is tight.

    I know what you can do with digital audio.
    I can put you in any environment, anywhere at anytime time period with my DAW.

    So who will analyze the audio for authenticity and originality???
    Let. Me. Guess. Duh boi’s magical lab.

    To the boi’s -
    I volunteer my services for free.
    Send me the original recordings, no cheating, I’ll know.

  6. Terrytheterrible11:11 AM

    The really sad part is how long it takes for Ashli Babbitt's murderer to get his.

  7. It was plain old murder. Abetted by congress.
