Sunday, January 28, 2024

Two more situations where older punishments come to mind

In France, 'climate protesters' try to damage the Mona Lisa.

In (formerly Great)Britain, the cops seem  more interested in there not being upset with a Protected Species than with actually catching the rest of the gang.

For the French, the whipping post for these clowns.

For the Brits, the same for the cops who seem more interested in 'don't upset the migrants' than in doing their damned job; for the murderers, there's got to be a suitable tree.  Or just build a gallows.


  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I admit to being somewhat of a historian and a traditionalist. Two British means of capital punishment that would fit. Hanging was a normal punishment in the Royal Navy, however Brit warships did not have gallows aboard. Their version involved reeving a line over a yardarm, putting a noose on one end, applying that to the condemned, and having a working party haul away pulling the condemned up hanging him slowly without breaking the neck.

    The other being the traditional drawing and quartering. Hanged by the neck, and cut down while yet living. Having his entrails drawn out and set afire before his living eyes. And the body being quartered and along with the head posted publicly as a reminder.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Flogging through the fleet meets my approval. Yes, flogging continues until punishment is carried out. Death of the accused does not waive the sentence.

  2. Gallows would really be better than a whipping post.

    1. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Public stocks then gallows.
