Sunday, January 28, 2024

Due to some things I've heard and read in the past, I believe them

Especially since we had Gov. Howler in NY, at a time when we knew that older people with health problems were the primary ones threatened by Wuhan, he ordered people tested positive put into rest homes and such full of such people.  That bastard should hang for what he did, and so should some other enablers.

Go read.


  1. Putting the tested sick in with the old seemed like a plan, there were a lot less voters after that.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Dude, there's not enough rope, tree, or pikes. And I'm not talking just because of the wu-flu.

  3. Anonymous7:51 PM

    There are possibly a million or more who deserve to be charged, tried, and punished for crimes against humanity either as direct actors, co-conspirators, or accessories before and/or after the fact. Nothing less will send the message that it can and will NEVER be tolerated.
