Monday, January 01, 2024

Speaking of some mental illness,

Nygren says he recently learned of the Jan. 8 launch of the Vulcan Centaur carrying the Peregrine Mission One. The lander will carry some payloads from a company known to provide memorial services by shipping human cremated remains to the Moon.

Nygren wants the launch delayed and the tribe consulted immediately. He noted the Moon is sacred to numerous Indigenous cultures and that depositing human remains on it is “tantamount to desecration.”

Take your choice:
1. Truly thinks his tribe should have a say in, well, everything involving space exploration because "Our Religion."
2. Just wants to screw with things and this is a good way.
3. "How much recognition/money can we get to knock it off?"

I swear, someone is going to tell us "We should not explore/settle on other planets because it would dishonor our tribal beliefs", which will wind up including "There should only be one more mission to the Moon, that to clean up all those footprints you white people left up there."


  1. That anyone in a position of power takes crap like that seriously.

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Yeah, it isn't really the fault of the people making such demands, it is the fault of those who act as though such insanity should be taken with any degree of seriousness. They should be laughed at and have their ridiculous wants be ignored. As long as we have idiots giving these people arrention we will get more of this.
