Monday, January 01, 2024

Social media connection to childhood depression

They seem to fit together nicely.  Or very badly, if you prefer.

I've just skimmed this so far, but it fits with what a lot of people have observed.

Few years back I said if I had a kid now, they'd have a phone on which they could make calls and send text messages, with Fecesbook and all the others locked out.  That's way too much crap and distraction and pressure for kids to deal with.

Also, what I consider a mental health problem: news about Taylor Swift went from music news to "THIS IS WHO SHE'S DATING NOW!!" as top of the page on a lot of news sites.  Along with "She's an enemy of the republic!" thrown in with some.  Talk about mental illness...


  1. If I was a high school student now, with a cell phone at my disposal, a tool that allows me to access all the information basically in the world, with my inquiring mind that I had, I would likely never leave my room again.
    I would not be studying and learning like I did with books when young, but I would be finding any free porn sites. I know exactly what you are saying about cell phones for kids. Someone once called television a vast wasteland. No doubt he would have had a similar point of view of the internet and social media.

  2. I'm thankful both of my children actively avoided big name social media. It's equally amusing that they know more friends by Discord handle than phone number.

  3. Anonymous11:22 PM

    The internet is just a tool that shows you how people truly are when they can hide behind anonymity. Unfortunately, in that case, too many people are depraved. (Says the anonymous coward.)
