Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Once more, "It's different when WE do it!"

A report from the left-liberal Aachener Zeitung newspaper on Sunday hailed the local demonstration in the North Rhine-Westphalian city of Aachen against the AfD, which it claimed saw around 10,000 people attend.

The celebratory article, headlined: “Aachen mobilises against right-wing hate” featured a lead image of the report showed protesters holding a banner reading “Afdler Toten”, which has been translated to “Kill AfD supporters”. The image also showed masked protesters dressed in the familiar black bloc uniform waving the flag of the radical leftist Antifa group.

And when it drew more attention than they'd realized,
The article was quietly amended, however, after observers noted the potentially criminal calls to violence by the left-wing protesters, with the image being changed to a less extreme picture, which also did not feature any Antifa-style radicals.

And, once again, due to either orders or sympathies,
Nevertheless, questions remain, particularly given that the original image showed police officers nearby the banner calling for the killing of AfD supporters, yet no arrests were made during the protest.

The asshat in charge has apparently been listening to Biden & Co., as he made comments about 'right-wingers attacking our democracy!'.  Isn't it wonderful what these clowns choose to borrow?

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