Thursday, January 25, 2024

It appears I'm able to get on Fecesbook again,

which brings up the question 'Pissed at me, or one of their usual screwups?'  The 'pissed at me' doesn't require being anything special, all you'd have to do is trip one of the 'community standards' they won't tell you about, or someone griping that you hurt their feelings/cause with your nasty words.  Who knows?

To more important things, appears Trudeau & Co. are just as slimy as our Do'J' and EffingBI have become.
One of the problems for Trudeau and the RCMP protesting innocence is all that video and what amounts to criminal actions(including physical attacks) shows them acting like totalitarian thugs, and that's hard to ignore.  Or explain other than "We had our orders, peasants.  If you'd behave like you're told it wouldn't have happened!", which is a really lousy defense.  Much like that of a standard-issue domestic abuser.

Speaking of, even with Trudeau & Co.'s actions being declared unconstitutional, the chances of any of them paying any price for it are just about zero.  They'll just keep appealing because "They made us do it!"(see 'abusers' above)

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