Thursday, January 18, 2024

Oh, it's a full morning of what's going on

Starting with our President playing "I want to call them bad names, but I don't want to bother them(and their voters) too badly.  Even if they are really screwing with shipping."

Once again our Professional Journalists show that their real job title is 'Democrat Operatives With Bylines'.

Not only was Hunter's laptop real, so was the cocaine on his (illegal)pistol case, the feds knew it, and they let the lies travel around.
It turns out that federal investigators knew all along that Biden and Democrats lied through their collective teeth. In new court filings yesterday rebutting Hunter’s attempts to get his federal charges dismissed, the DoJ revealed that the laptop matched the data they had already subpoenaed through Apple:

Man, those batteries go up, they go up fast.

And this fine example of sorry excuses for lawmen not even pretending to be competent or attempting to be peace officers.  Holy crap, this is bad.

Everyone involved in planning and carrying this out should be fired as a start.  It's amazing that kid didn't die, and the mother wasn't killed.  And if that had happened, these incompetents would blame it all on the dead not acting properly.


  1. Every day creeping closer to ACAB. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I have gotten to a few words for these humans.
    Shoot them all and burn their bodies in pig fat.
    That should slow them down for a while.
