Friday, January 19, 2024

It warmed up for a few days, now

another front's coming in.  Happily won't be as cold as the last one, and shouldn't chill things for too long.

I have to confess, a lot of the news is effing depressing for the past quite a while.  We've got a lifelong liar and crooked politician, who's now showing very obvious 'The brain is failing' signs, who seems determined to get us into another war; the economy is still crapped and his apologists, if they're being honest, cannot understand why people don't like him more now because 'inflation has been beaten back', etc.

One of the good things is there have been some serious wins on the 2nd Amendment despite Pres. Gropey & friends trying to trash it.  This is good, even with the BATFEIEIO constantly trying to play more "We don't need Congress to do anything, we'll just write a new letter and issue an opinion to change law."
(Speaking of bureaucrats and sorry excuses for peace officers who need to become unemployed)
If you want one of the good places to keep track of such cases, I can recommend Gun Free Zone, they tell about cases in the courts and give a pretty good breakdown of what's happening with them.  Plus other good things to read.


  1. CHeer up, fren, It looks like the civil war will be kicking off by starting with TxDPS vs CBP down in Eagle Pass. You'll have a target rich environment with the Second Runaway Scrape out of Austin and Houston.

  2. Yes...Pedo Joe has massive brain rot. But none of what's happening is his doing. He's NOT in charge. All he cares about is a pudding pop, a fresh pair of Depends and having an 8 year old to molest. The people making all the decisions were not elected, are not accountable and are mostly anonymous. Doesn't matter who is installed as POTUS by the DNC....whoever it is will be a puppet and the same criminals running the show now will continue running things then.
