Saturday, January 27, 2024

From the Border Patrol union

Rank-and file BP agents are not going to start arresting TX NG members for following their LAWFUL orders. That's fake news.

TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other's jobs. Period. If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out…

I'd bet the clowns in DC are having some level of fits over this.  First Texas tells them to go to hell, now the BP says, basically, "We're not messing with the Texas Guard."

Yes, there can be interesting arguments about 'lawful', which is part of the fit-causing.


  1. Protecting the boarder sounds like something the "rank-and-file BP agents" could get behind & that's what the TNG is doing....common sense.
    I suspect common sense is not a good thing to have in this current administration ... their agenda seems to have little to do with common sense OR protecting the boarder.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    The confrontation will not come from Border Patrol but from other states that will mobilize in response to a request from DC. Watch what NY, CA and MA do. Perhaps OR and WA too.
    The battle will be Texas Militia et al vs. California National Guard et al.

    1. If they cross the Rubicon, CWII kicks off and the blue shitholes will be devastated by the withering response from the REAL Americans across the country.
      Three words: Bring it, bitches.

  3. Anonymous12:27 PM

    American Thinker published an essay Is biden poison pilling Trump.
    Destroying the economy, law and order, national sovereignty, etc, to screw things up so bad that the country can't be restored.
    No reason other that petty hubris.

  4. This being Texas, one must be more precise when talking about the Guard. There is the Texas National Guard, which is part of the federal military and can be federalized (put under federal orders). There is also the Texas State Guard, which is wholly controlled by the state and cannot be put under federal orders. From the reports I've seen, it's not clear which Guard is doing what.

  5. Just becar a Fed agency says "we aren't going to do that" means absolutely nothing. They lie, routinely. Nothing they say can be believed. Abbott and the Texas guard would be abject morons to fall for that bullshit.
