Saturday, January 27, 2024

Every one of the agents involved knew they were exceeding the warrant,

and violating that Constitution they swore to uphold, and did it anyway.  The Very Special agent in charge PLANNED to do that.  And none of them will pay any personal or professional price for doing it, I'll bet.  So why would you trust any of them?
At oral argument in December, one of the three judges on the 9th Circuit panel called the FBI’s search of each safe deposit box without probable cause “egregious” and “outrageous.” Another likened the FBI’s actions to the maligned “general warrants” and “writs of assistance” issued in colonial times, which authorized British officials to search colonists’ homes indiscriminately for smuggled tea and other items.

The 9th Circuit’s opinion repeated these concerns. The court found it “particularly troubling” that the government “failed to explain” why its arguments “would not open the door to the kinds of ‘writs of assistance’ the British authorities used prior to the Founding to conduct limitless searches of an individual’s personal belongings.”

“It was those very abuses of power, after all, that led to adoption of the Fourth Amendment in the first place,” the court ruled.

What was the .gov's attempt to prevent this ruling?
The government did not, however, concede that the FBI’s raid was flawed. Instead, the government told the 9th Circuit that it wanted “to avoid a published judicial opinion impugning the actions or good faith motivations of law enforcement in this highly unusual case, in which a company was aiding criminality and protecting criminals by operating a vault of anonymous safe-deposit boxes.”
Translation: "We want you to drop the case so we can keep doing this.  Don't you see, we had to break the law!"
Every damned one of them, fired, and the lawyers involved disbarred.


  1. Fired, their pension forfeited (this is the biggest punishment) and barred from any federal government or law enforcement employment.

    For a start.

  2. Anonymous8:14 AM

    What B said..
    And Recinding the Money for there New Building.

  3. Oh no, not “egregious” and “outrageous” and "particularly troubling”!! Wow the 9th Circuit doesn't pull any punches do they?

    How about "criminal violation of The Constitution"?

    Everything B suggests plus fines and prison for all involved all the way up the food chain, wherever it leads.

  4. There is no "cure" for the problem. The entire system is corrupt and rotted to the core. Burn it all down, hang every one involved down to the lowest field agent and start over. Then do this to EVERY Federal agency because they are ALL corrupt beyond redemption.
